1.Zhang, J; Jiang, W; Cao, HJ; Qu, YB; Liao, ZX; Liu, C; Sun, JY. Two new monoterpene lactones from Ligulariarumicifolia (JRDrumm.) SWLiu and their anti-proliferative activities. PHYTOCHEMISTRYLETTERS. 2018. 28. 55-58.
2.Huang, RZ; Jin, L; Wang, CG; Xu, XJ; Du, Y; Liao, N; Ji, M; Liao, ZX; Wang, HS. A pentacyclic triterpene derivative possessingpolyhydroxyl ring A suppresses growth of HeLa cells by reactive oxygenspecies-dependent NF-kappa B pathway. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY. 2018.838. 157-169
3.Jiang, W; Huang, RZ; Zhang, J; Guo, T; Zhang, MT; Liao, ZX; Sun, J; Wang, HS. Discovery of antitumor ursolic acid long-chaindiamine derivatives as potent inhibitors of NF-kappa B. BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY.2018. 79. 265-276.
4.Qu, YB; Liao, ZX; Liu, C; Wang, XZ; Zhang, J. EFLDO induces apoptosis in hepatic cancer cells bycaspase activation in vitro and suppresses tumor growth in vivo. BIOMEDICINE& PHARMACOTHERAPY. 2018. 100. 407-416.
5.Zhang, J; Huang, RZ; Cao, HJ; Cheng, AW; Jiang, CS; Liao, ZX; Liu, C; Sun, JY. Chemical composition, in vitro anti-tumor activitiesand related mechanisms of the essential oil from the roots of Potentilladiscolor. INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS. 2018. 113. 19-27.
6.Huang,RZ; Huang,XC; Zhang,B; Jia,HY;Liao,ZX; Wang,HS.16-O-caffeoyl-16-hydroxylhexadecanoic acid, amedicinal plant-derived phenylpropanoid, induces apoptosis in humanhepatocarcinoma cells through ROS-dependent endoplasmic reticulum stress. PHYTOMEDICINE.2018. 41. 33-44.
7.Zhang, SS; Liao, ZX; Huang, RZ; Gong, CC; Ji, LJ; Sun, HF. A new aromatic glycoside and its anti-proliferativeactivities from the leaves of Bergenia purpurascens. NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH.2018. 32. 668-675.
8.Chen, HF; Huang, RZ; Zuo, B; Ji, LJ; Mo, ZJ; Liao, ZX. Anti-proliferativeActivities of Two Flavonols with Unsubstituted B-ring from the Leaves ofPlatanus acerifolia. NATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS. 2017. 12. 1701-1704.
9.Liu, HL ; Gong, CC; Liao, ZX; Chen, T; Li, YL, Isolation and Purification of Three Analogues fromClematis akebioides by Molecularly Imprinted Solid-Phase Extraction and HSCCC, CHROMATOGRAPHIA, 2017, 80,1651-1658
10.Huang, RZ; Jin, L; Yao, GY; Dai, WL; Huang, XC; Liao, ZX; Wang, HS, Synthesis and molecular docking study of novel alizarinderivatives containing phosphoryl amino acid moiety as potential antitumoragents, MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2017, 26(10), 2363-2374
11.Huang, RZ; Liang, GB; Huang, XC; Zhang, B; Zhou, MM; Liao, ZX; Wang, HS, Discovery of dehydroabietic acid sulfonamide basedderivatives as selective matrix metalloproteinases inactivators that inhibitcell migration and proliferation, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY,2017,138, 979-992
12.Ri-Zhen Huang, Shi-Xian Hua, Zhi-Xin Liao, Xiao-Chao Huang, andHeng-Shan Wang, Side chain functionalized aniline-derived ursolic acid derivatives asmultidrug resistance reversers that block nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB)pathway and cell proliferation,[J]. MedChemComm,2017, 8(7), 1421-1434.
13.Ri-Zhen Huang, Bin Zhang, Xiao-Chao Huang,Gui-Bin Liang, Jian-Mei Qin, Ying-Ming Pan, Liao, ZXandHeng-Shan Wang, Synthesis and biological evaluation of terminal functionalizedthiourea-containing dipeptides as antitumor agents,[J]. RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 8866-8878.
14.Gong, CC , Chen, T , Chen, HF, Zhang, SS, Wang, XZ, Sun, J, Li, YL, Liao, ZX, Firstseparation of four aromatic acids and two analogues with similar structures andpolarities from Clematis akebioides by high-speed counter-currentchromatography, [J]. JOURNAL OFSEPARATION SCIENCE, 2016, 39(23), 4660-4666.
15.Gong, CC, Wang, XZ, Ma, DH, Chen, HF, Zhang, SS, Liao, ZX, Microporous carbon from a biologicalwaste-stiff silkworm for capacitive energy storage, [J]. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA , 2016, 220 ,331-339
16.Yao, GY, Ye, MY, Zhu, YT, Liao, ZX, Wang, HS, Synthesisand Pharmacological Evaluation of Maleopimaric N-arylimides: Identification ofNovel Proapoptotic Agents, [J]. ANTI-CANCERAGENTS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 2016, 16(6),755-762 .
17.Wu, L, Liao, ZX, Liu, C, Jia, HY, Sun, JY, EremophilaneSesquiterpenes from the Genus Ligularia, [J]. CHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY, 2016, 13(6), 645-671
18.Zuo, B, Liao, ZX, Xu, C, Liu, C, Two novel prenylated kaempferol derivativesfrom fresh bud's fur of Platanus acerifolia and their anti-proliferativeactivities, [J]. NATURAL PRODUCTRESEARCH, 2016, 30(22), 2523-2528.
19.Xu, C, Jia, HY, Zuo, B, Liao, ZX, Ji, LJ, Sun, HF, ;Wang, Q, Chemical Constituents of the Aerial Parts ofEuphorbia nematocypha, [J]. NATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS, 2016, 11(2), 177-178
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25.Liu C., Liao Z. X., Liu S. J., et al.Two New 2,3-Seco-Hopane TriterpeneDerivatives from Megacodon stylophorusand Their Antiproliferative and Antimicrobial Activities [J]. Planta Med.,2014, 80(11), 936-941.
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27.Yao G. Y., Ye M. Y., Huang R. Z., Li Y. J.,Pan Y. M., Xu Q., Liao Z. X., WangH. S.. Synthesis and antitumoractivities of novel rhein α-aminophosphonates conjugates [J]. Bioorg.Med. Chem. Lett., 2014, 24(2), 501-507.
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